Hillfields Primary School
Hillfields Primary School, The Greenway, Hillfields Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 4HA
Year 5 has made a great start to BAC 100. In February they went to see Concorde, created a big display about their visit on the school hall, were interviewed by BBC Bristol and had a two-day collage-making workshop. You can listen to their interview on the BBC Bristol website. Here are some of the pictures we took of their collage-making.

The main section of the collage is based on the front page of the Bristol Evening Post from when Concorde first flew. The children have added pictures of themselves pointing at it as if they were in the crowd.

The children drew pictures of some of the buildings they saw around the Concorde museum to add to the collage.

They also printed digital photos from their visit and cut these up.

These children are sticking clouds shapes at the top of the collage on the section of blue tissue-paper sky.

These are sticking pictures of Concorde's gauges around the border.

These children are cutting up shiny stickers to add to the border. The collage also had glitter stuck to it.

Here's a photo of some of the children on their trip to Concorde added to the collage.

Everyone has a chance to get stuck in!

Here is the collage on display in the school hall.
The pupils have also been writing aviation poems in a workshop led by Claire Williamson. You can read some of them here.
AAPFKO-The Automatic Plane for Kids Only. By Naem Miah
I am AAPFKO-The best kids only plane!
I take off from the runway and I feel my shark fin tail slicing through the air.
As I lift off of the ground I see the clouds getting closer.
At first I feel terrified, but now I am delighted to be in the air.
My passengers relax because they're not terrified.
I touch the clouds with my eagle like wings.
As I fly I see my friend Concorde as he dashes past me.
Night time is approaching and I can hear my passengers snoring.
The Next day I'm getting closer to my destination of Spain.
I start to land as I get closer to the ground and I set my wheels free feeling the friction as they meet the ground.
I slow down and stop as my flight is completed.
The children come out of me excited and independent.
Flying Fast Experience. By Kayus King
I am Flying Fast Jet, the fastest plane on Earth.
When I take off, I shoot off so fast that you won't see me as soon as I've taken off.
I travel three times faster than the speed of sound so I'm faster than Concorde ever flew.
I shine brightly in the sky while my super size engines roar through the sky.
The passengers have the luxury of silence from my sound proofed belly.
When I'm flying I feel the air rushing under my wings and over my metal fuselage.
I taste the salt from the sea and I thunder through the blue sky.
My passengers have bowling,a swimming pool,a football pitch and even a disco to entertain themselves inside me.
There are sounds of happiness and joy as I take them on their holiday.
Lady Fly. By Shannon Elliott
I am Lady Fly, the eco-friendly plane.
I am computer controlled and I have no pilot.
I need no runway, just grass and I elevate vertically into the sky.
When I am launched I use my wind turbines to clear the clouds so that there is no turbulence for my passengers.
My ladybug wings soar through the cloudless sky like a bird of prey accelerating through the air using eco-power!
I can hear the laughter of children coming from my belly. It feels like I am being tickled inside.
When I see landfill sites below I scream out; "I am an eco-friendly plane and I help clear the world of pollution to make it a better place to live in!"
"If we keep the planet clean we help reduce carbon dioxide so can we please produce more eco-friendly planes?"
Personification. By Zico Grace
I am Bobman; the fastest plane in the world!
When I take off I feel like a big, beautiful bird.
My wheels lift off the runway gracefully and I climb into the clouds, higher and higher.
When I'm at the right altitude I glide nicely.
I taste the air going through my wings.
As I'm landing my wheels engage and then I turn towards the Seville airport and then I land gently.
The passengers step out of my belly and they take their belongings with them.
They are all happy and safe.
Shark Plane. By Mahwish Lone
I am the Shark plane.
I am the fastest plane in the whole Universe.
I see the clouds and the blue sky.
I hear the noise of my wings covered with drops of rain.
I feel excited, delighted and loved by all my passengers.
I feel the wind rushing past my metal fuselage.
My favourite part of my journey is when I'm floating in the air remembering all my previous journeys.
I see my best friends; Dolphin Plane and Bristol Eagle Rescue Star beside me. I am so happy to see them!
In the morning as darkness turns to light
I see candy floss clouds and a bright sky.
As night begins I see a bright white moon and twinkling stars.
I shoot through the sky at over one hundred miles per hour leaving land behind.
Star Hotel. By Shannon Mayhead
I am Sarah Jane-the fastest Star Hotel plane in the whole Galaxy.
When I shoot up in the bright sky I shine like a shooting star as I take off at over 100m.p.h screaming down the runway.
I'm eco-friendly and my heart is pumping so fast like it's controlling me.
My special power is to grant wishes as I am a star! I stop enemies from the sky attacking me by burning them with my bright light.
I've always loved my passengers like best friends and I sense their trust .
I am delighted to be a Star hotel plane as I will fly you anywhere you wish. I feel so happy, glad and sensational inside!
I am the luckiest plane ever.
Here are the Year 5 pupils photographed with their finished collage.

The Lord Mayor of Bristol, the Lady Mayoress and other special guests came to Hillfields on 2 July to attend a special assembly in which Year 5 read some of their poems and talked about some of their favourite experiences in BAC 100.

The pupils in Year 5 were photographed looking at their favourite pages in The 2010 Book of Aviation Wonder.

In this photo the pupils are holding up copies of their books and also some of the boxkites they have made for a special event to mark the centenary of the first flight of the Bristol Boxkite aeroplane. Bill Morgan, who has helped them make the boxkites, was at the special school assembly on 2 July.

Year 5 had a trip to the Flight exhibition on 21 October by open-top bus, thanks to City Sightseeing Bristol. Before they set off, the pupils had a paper aeroplane competition from the top deck of the bus in the school playground. Bristol Evening Post sent a photographer to capture the event.

The next day the pupils took part in a creative writing workshop with Claire Williamson. They wrote poems about their visit and also poems inspired by listening to Roy Mockridge's interview about his experience during the war that you can hear in the exhibition and also on the Oral Histories page. You can read some of their work in this Word document.
They also had a two-day collage-making workshop with Gloria Ojulari Sule and made a 3D aircraft construct as well as individual pictures.